Consider this Challenge!

Philippians 2:3-4Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also of the interests of others better than himself.”
March means spring is on the way. Soon there will be green grass, blooms and green leaves again. There is something fulfilling about tending to the yard and our plants. But there is also something fulfilling about tending to others. The greatest investments we ever make are when we invest in others. People typically listen to what you say if they know you care.
Do we lift others up? That Sycamore fig tree in the story of Zacchaeus is a great picture of the church. Its branches were low enough for Zacchaeus to climb. From a tree branch, Zacchaeus had a clear view of Jesus. Like that tree, we need to be lifting others up to see Jesus too.
Discipleship lifts others up to see the Lord! In Exodus 17:11-12, scripture tells us about Moses going to the top of the hill to lift up his staff before the Lord. He was asking for God’s blessing and power while Israel fought the battle against the Amaleks. However, Moses’ arms got tired and when they would fall Amalek prevailed, but while they were up, Israel prevailed. So Aaron and Hur stood on each side of Moses supporting his arms. By sundown, Israel had defeated the Amaleks. It took 3 great men of God, acting in humble roles, to bring the victory.
Note the teamwork of these great leaders:
#1 – Moses wasn’t too prideful to let others help.
#2 – Aaron and Hur didn’t criticize the weakness of Moses, but instead, increased his strength by supporting his arms.
#3 – Due to their humility and teamwork, Israel prevailed in the battle.
God has placed in our church and community plenty of folks to lift up. I admit that Philippians 2:3-4 is not an easy challenge, but it is the best way to lift others up to see Jesus! Let them see Jesus in you!
Bro. Bruce Rudd

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