PASTOR’s Blog  by Bro. Bruce Rudd
9/22/2022   Why Bad Things Happen by Mark Ellis
8/19/2020   The Gospel of John is Simply Amazing! 
4/15/2020  Listening to God
4/8/2020  Why Good Friday is Good for America
4/5/2020 Live Deliberately!
4/3/2020  Revive Us Again!
3/30/2020  Acknowledging Him as Guide
3/28/2020  Am I Accepted by God?
3/27/2020  How to Deal with Anxiety
3/26/2020  Journey to Jerusalem, Easter is on the Horizon
3/25/2020  Making the Most of Your Bible
3/24/2020  Working Where God is at Work
3/23/2020  This is the Day!
3/22/2020  The Seven Sabbath Day Miracles
3/21/2020  And You Shall Call His Name Jesus!
3/28/2018  Consider this Challenge!
5/13/2016  How Do We Respond in a Fast Changing Culture?
10/25/2015  Faith in Action